12 March 2014

'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas...

My Recreation

#6 POSTER: Recreate a poster inspired by the examples shown in class and your own research using the automatic tracing tools. 

I cannot even begin to explain how happy I am with how this came out. The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies of all time and Jack Skellington is one of my favorite characters of all time. Naturally, upon being told to recreate a work of art or movie poster, I looked up The Nightmare Before Christmas (also Harry Potter...). This project was done basically in the same way that the strawberry was. I outlined everything over the original picture and then filled in the colors except this time, I did a dumb.
Rather than outlining the trees and filling them in, I outlined the "white space" of the sky and the background. Because of this boo-boo there are small errors here and there that, if you could see my recreation blown up to full scale, you would definitely be able to see. Over all, I am super proud of this though. I love the way the letters came out, I love the bats, and I love the jack o' lanterns. They are actually my favorite part of the whole thing.
If/when I have more time and experience using illustrator, I would like to go back and fix my errors on this project, and actually put the effect on it that made it so fuzzy and grainy. Without that effect, it doesn't look quite right, but close enough for the boo-boos that I made on it. This one is definitely going up on my wall.

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